Two children holding hands and their bags walking through a classroom

Reception Recovery Curriculum

Reception Curriculum Research Seminars to support Recovery and Reforms

In May 2021, the Greater Manchester (GM) School Readiness programme ran a second series of research-focused seminars in collaboration with the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) aimed at supporting primary school head teachers and school leaders. This series focused on the Reception year, considering the impact of Covid lockdown and EYFS reform priorities to explore how best to support children who have missed in-person classes for much of their Reception year and thinking ahead for the new cohort joining in Autumn 2021.

These short, themed seminars encouraged attendees to engage with relevant research and evidence and how this can be applied locally in support of a Reception recovery curriculum.

The seminars explored research around these key themes:
• Metacognition and Self-Regulation
• Metacognition and Use of the Learning Environment

Each of the sessions was recorded which you will find below. 

Please note - presentation slides on this page are not accessible, however they are exempt because this is third-party content that is neither funded nor developed by, nor under the control of, the public sector body. The content is also presented in the videos which contains audio and subtitles.

Metacognition and Self-Regulation - Kirsten Mould - EEF Learning Behaviours Content Specialist and School SENCo

Metacognition and Self-Regulation Webinar Recording (Part 1)

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Metacognition and Self-Regulation Webinar Recording (Part 2)

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Metacognition and Self-Regulation PowerPoint Presentation (PDF, 7.5MB)

Metacognition and Self-Regulated Learning Guidance Report (PDF, 7.7MB)

Metacognition and Use of the Learning Environment- Dr Lesley Curtis OBE - Headteacher of Everton Nursery School and Family Centre and Elizabeth Francis - Assistant Headteacher Meols Cop High School & Head of Research School

Metacognition and Use of the Learning Environment Webinar Recording (Part 1)

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Metacognition and Use of the Learning Environment Webinar Recording (Part 2)

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Example clip of an early years practitioner working with children to support them to make their own decisions

With thanks to Everton Nursery School for sharing their video with us.

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Metacognition and Use of the Learning Environment PowerPoint Presentation (PDF, 3.8MB)

Metacognition and Self-Regulated Learning Guidance Report (Education Endowment Foundation, external website)