Communications and Engagement
Our vision, as highlighted in the Greater Manchester Strategy (internal webpage), is to make Greater Manchester one of the best places in the world to grow up, get on and grow old. GMConsult is one of the places you can have your say on what happens in Greater Manchester.
Visit GMConsult.org.uk (external website, opens in new tab)
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Digital Media
To promote the work of GMCA and the fire and rescue service, we take pictures of colleagues, members of the public and civic leaders, either in public settings or events that we are involved in. These images may be used in social media posts, reports and other materials to help explain more about the work we do and achieve our objectives.
If you identify yourself in an image and would like this image removed, please contact gmdigital@greatermanchester-ca.gov.uk, including a copy and/or link to the image you are inquiring about.
Insight Reports
This monthly briefing provides insight into public and business opinions and behaviours. It is based on opinion polls and reports that have been published over the past two months.
The Insight Report focuses on people's experiences and attitudes covering key themes both nationally and regionally such as the economy, the ongoing cost-of-living crisis, health and transport
View previous editions of the Insight Report
Subscribe to receive the latest edition (external website, opens in new tab)
Social Media
Keep up to date with our news and activities through our social media pages.
Read our Social Media Guidelines