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Police + Fire

Deputy Mayor responds to HMICFRS crime recording inspection

Ensuring reported crime is recorded timely and accurately helps to instil public confidence and ensure victims get the support they need, says Deputy Mayor.

Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire and Rescue Services (HMICFRS) has today (Tuesday 10 April) published it's Data Integrity revisit inspection report, which shows GMP has made progress in how it records crime.

Responding to the report, Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime Bev Hughes said: “I’m pleased to see that GMP has made improvements to how it records crime, helping to give us a better picture of the impact of criminality on our communities. As the report highlights, this is a result of strong leadership and a renewed commitment from officers and staff. While it’s clear there is more work to be done, it’s important to recognise the progress that has been made in the face of increasing challenge and demand.

“Ensuring reported crime is recorded timely and accurately contributes to public confidence in our police service, encouraging more people to come forward and ensuring victims get the support they need. Whilst GMP is on the right track, we must get this right and in particular must do better at recording rape and domestic abuse. I will continue to work with the Deputy Chief Constable to keep up the pace of progress and make sure our most vulnerable victims of crime get the service they need and deserve.”

You can read the report on the HMICFRS website.

Article Published: 14/12/2018 11:51 AM