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Deputy roles set to strengthen Greater Manchester's 'top team'

Deputy roles set to strengthen Greater Manchester's 'top team'

The leadership of GMCA will be strengthened by the appointment of new deputies to support those leading on the key subjects shaping the area's future.

The leaders of the area's 10 local authorities, who make up the members of the combined authority, approved the proposal from Interim Mayor of Greater Manchester Tony Lloyd at its meeting in Manchester this Friday, 18 December.

Portfolio responsibilities are currently divided between the Interim Mayor and the leaders of the 10 Greater Manchester local authorities, working in tandem with chief executives of the 10 and partner organisations such as Transport for Greater Manchester and the Manchester Growth Company.

Deputies will be selected from councillors with relevant experience, such as an executive post on their council or a Greater Manchester-wide body, nominated by the 10 local authority leaders. Subject to approval, final appointments will be determined by the GMCA when it meets on 29 January 2016.

Tony Lloyd said: "The breadth of work which is going on across Greater Manchester to support economic growth and improve people's lives through better health, transport and other opportunities has increased in recent years - especially with developments in devolution.

This has meant that there's a need to provide further leadership capacity to support existing portfolio holders to make sure we keep driving this agenda forwards effectively. I look forward to welcoming the new deputy portfolio holders to the team in the new year and working with them to help Greater Manchester realise its potential."

Article Published: 13/12/2018 11:54 AM