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Greater Manchester Data

GMCA launches consultation to help deliver the Greater Manchester Information Strategy

Information, and how it is used, affects everyone. From finding out what bus to get, to paying a bill, to starting a new business. Every second of every day we all use and share information. Greater Manchester can realise wide ranging benefits from looking at how information is managed, shared, and used across the city-region.  

The Greater Manchester Information Strategy was adopted in January 2022 by the Greater Manchester Combined Authority, and the leaders of the ten districts of Greater Manchester and sets out a vision for the future of information in Greater Manchester.

To realise this vision, the Information Strategy needs to develop a delivery plan – a plan that says what Greater Manchester is going to do as a city region with residents’ information, tackling our most serious information challenges, and realising the full potential of our information.

A new consultation has been launched to get people’s thought and views about the priorities that should be in the Information Strategy delivery plan. There are a lot of things we could do – from ensuring we get processes and procedures right, to doing new and innovative things with information.

The consultation will be open from 7 October to 2 December and anyone wanting to complete the consultation can visit: https://www.gmconsult.org/communications-and-engagement-team/information-strategy-delivery-plan/

The consultation looks at a range on areas such as:

  • What do we need to get right, or fix, as a basis for better management, sharing, and use of information in Greater Manchester?
  • What actions do we need to take to support Greater Manchester to move towards a frontier-facing city region that provides opportunities to do new things with information?
  • What frontiers can we push to deliver a better information ecosystem?

The consultation responses will help Greater Manchester realise the full potential of information.

The online consultation will be accompanied by a number of in person and online consultation events early in 2023.

Article Published: 14/10/2022 11:27 AM