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covid19 Greater Manchester

Greater Manchester response to extention of restrictions

Responding to the Health Secretary's announcement that restrictions on social visits to homes in Greater Manchester will remain in place for a further week, a Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) spokesperson said: “The Mayor of Greater Manchester and Leaders agreed on Wednesday that the heightened restrictions should continue in the city-region for another week.

“Alongside the continued measures, Greater Manchester will be taking further action locally over the next seven days. Targeted enforcement will be taking place, such as mystery shoppers visiting pubs and restaurants to ensure they are complying and taking down customer’s details.

“We will also continue to focus on communicating direct and simple messaging to the public, especially with younger people, to make sure it is clear there should be no social visits to homes while these restrictions remain in place.

“However, we also need Government to improve the test and trace system. Ministers must ensure people have the financial support to be able to immediately self-isolate and we need under-utilised national centre staff urgently redeployed to local areas.”

Article Published: 07/08/2020 17:24 PM