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Safer Stronger The Mayor

Mayor of Greater Manchester statement on Manchester Arena Inquiry Part 3

Mayor of Greater Manchester, Andy Burnham, has responded to Part 3 of the Manchester Arena Inquiry.

Andy Burnham, Mayor of Greater Manchester, said: “This has been an authoritative and exhaustive process of inquiry and we would like to thank Sir John Saunders for leading it in the way that he has. At all stages Greater Manchester has faced up fully to the findings and we will do so again. Major changes have already been made to our emergency services and if more are needed as a result of this report we will do so.

“What has become clear through the stages of this inquiry is that, both at national and regional level, the country was not prepared for a terrorist attack of this nature in a city like ours. It is now beholden on all public bodies to use the findings of the inquiry to ensure all places are better prepared to protect people and respond to acts of terrorism.   

“We know that today is another very difficult day for those bereaved, injured and affected by the attack at Manchester Arena. Greater Manchester has stood with them from the beginning and our support will remain constant.”

Article Published: 02/03/2023 18:02 PM