
Mayor welcomes Highways England's move to minimise roadworks disruption to drivers

The Mayor of Greater Manchester has responded to news that Highways England is changing the way it delivers major motorway upgrades to help minimise disruption to drivers.

Andy Burnham said: “I am pleased that Highways England has listened to my call and taken the decision to review the timing of the Smart Motorway Programme. This will ensure the schemes are phased in a way that will minimise disruption for road users.

“When these upgrades are complete, they should not only boost highway capacity but also help to reduce congestion and improve the reliability of the motorway network. However, in the meantime, it is absolutely right that Highways England take action to plan and coordinate these important motorway improvements in a better way.

“This is a great example of constructive and collaborative partner engagement through the Mayor’s Transport Board. Together we are working to coordinate transport routes and helping to deliver positive benefits for transport users across Greater Manchester.”

Article Published: 14/02/2019 11:46 AM