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“Nightingale Court” at The Lowry will help clear backlog of cases, says Deputy Mayor

Bev Hughes, Deputy Mayor of Greater Manchester for Policing, Crime, Criminal Justice and Fire, has welcomed the announcement today from the Ministry of Justice that The Lowry is to be used as a ‘Nightingale Court’ to help clear the backlog of cases.

Bev Hughes said: “The COVID-19 pandemic has had an enormous impact on the courts system, both nationally and here in Greater Manchester, resulting in a significant backlog of cases and long delays.

“The delays have led to frustration and real distress for people whose lives have been put on hold while they wait for justice to be done. It is particularly difficult for the victims of crime, but it also affects those who need decisions from civil or family courts.

“So I’m pleased the Ministry of Justice has set up this ‘Nightingale Court’ at The Lowry theatre and art gallery. It will also provide an important source of income to the Lowry and help to support it during this very difficult time.”

  • Bev Hughes is also a Trustee of The Lowry and has been involved in discussions both to provide additional courts capacity and to support the theatre and the wider arts sector.

Article Published: 21/09/2020 16:38 PM