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Police + Fire

The plan for a safer, stronger Greater Manchester: Have your say

Everyone in Greater Manchester is being urged to have their say about a new plan aimed at tackling crime, supporting victims and building stronger, safer and more cohesive communities.

The new plan called ‘Standing Together’ will set the strategic direction for Greater Manchester Police, criminal justice and community safety partners in local areas for the next three years, with key issues prioritised by all those who work to make our communities safer.

Over the next four and a half weeks, residents across Greater Manchester will have the opportunity to have their say on what should be included, and to share their priorities and concerns.

The plan being proposed by the Mayor of Greater Manchester, Andy Burnham, and Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime, Beverley Hughes, sets three main priorities;

  • To keep people safe
  • To reduce harm and offending
  • To strengthen communities and places

The three suggested priorities have been established through extensive consultation with local people from across Greater Manchester, including victims of crime and their advocates, and working with representatives from various active organisations within Greater Manchester.

Deputy Mayor of Policing and Crime, Beverley Hughes said: “Public safety is my top priority and this is reflected in our proposed priorities for the Police and Crime Plan - but we need your views on the issues that matter to you, and your local community.

“Building on the hard work and dedication of our police officers, as well as communities and all our partner organisations in Greater Manchester, we will continue to work to protect the public and build safer, stronger and more resilient communities, increasing confidence in policing and community safety.

“Please tell us what you think about the draft plan, and whether you think it has the right priorities or should highlight other issues. The responses we receive will be used to finalise the Standing Together plan, which will give strategic direction for our police force over the next three years.

 “By working together, we can make Greater Manchester the best place to grow up, get on and grow old.”

Chair of the Police and Crime Panel, Cllr Tamoor Tariq said: “I am delighted to hear that the opinions of the public are being sought on the future of policing and crime across Greater Manchester. This plan has to be owned by all of us, the public, partners, our public services and it's by working together we can meet the challenges facing our communities across Greater Manchester. I'm particularly pleased to hear public safety and community policing is one of the top priorities for Baroness Hughes, I look forward to seeing this plan come to fruition.”

To give your views on what should be included in the Police and Crime Plan, complete the short survey which can be accessed via . The deadline to do this is Sunday, January 14, 2018.

The final plan will be presented to the Police and Crime Panel in January.

Article Published: 14/12/2018 09:51 AM