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Creating age-friendly homes in Greater Manchester

The Framework for Creating Age-Friendly Homes in Greater Manchester 2021-24 seeks to achieve a permanent cultural shift in thinking around housing in later life, recognising that older people want a choice of different, affordable mainstream and specialist housing options, that meet both need and aspiration and in places where they can maintain or build social connections, achieve good health and independence.

The framework sets out the delivery of the ‘Greater Manchester Age-Friendly Housing Charter’ and five themes to achieve our ambitions:

  1. Embedding ageing in all our housing strategy and delivery
  2. Resetting the conversation, ‘valuable not vulnerable’
  3. Making an impact on the ground
  4. Promoting ‘Improve or Move’
  5. Celebrating homes and neighbourhoods that enable people to live well in later life

It also provides information about a number of the existing delivery projects by partners, including ‘Design for Life: Urban practices for an age-friendly city’ published by Manchester School of Architecture (external website) and the work of our strategic partner the Centre for Ageing Better (external website) to increase the amount of accessible new homes and ensure current homes can be easily improved and adapted.

The framework was developed by the Housing, Planning and Ageing Group, convened by the Greater Manchester Ageing Hub and this group will oversee it’s delivery. The members are:

  • Greater Manchester Combined Authority
  • Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership
  • Greater Manchester local authorities
  • Greater Manchester Housing Providers
  • Centre for Ageing Better, Housing LIN and Care and Repair England
  • Manchester School of Architecture and University of Manchester
  • Private/ commercial architects, developers and providers: Pozzoni Architects, Belong and Glenbrook Property.

Greater Manchester Combined Authority are members of the Housing Made for Everyone (HoME) Coalition (external link) calling for urgent action to tackle the UK’s acute and growing shortage of accessible and adaptable homes.

A launch event was held on Tuesday 14 September, 2021 - you can now watch again:

Relevant documents

Framework for Creating Age-Friendly Homes in Greater Manchester (PDF, 4.6MB)

Framework for Creating Age-Friendly Homes in Greater Manchester (External website)

Design for Life: Urban practices for an age-friendly city (External website)

Creating Age-Friendly Developments (PDF, 3.54MB)