Creating a more inclusive and productive city-region where everyone and every place can succeed is key to Greater Manchester’s success. We continue to provide evidence and data, and support the development of strategic priorities in support of the Hub’s ambitions.
Reports supporting our current strategy:
The State of Ageing in Greater Manchester (PDF, 12.7MB)
The State of Ageing in Greater Manchester - Executive Summary (PDF, 139KB)
The State of Ageing in Greater Manchester is a collation of the most relevant and contemporary data and evidence on ageing in Greater Manchester available in the second half of 2023. It is intended to inform those working in policy, service delivery, and communities across the city region on the challenges and opportunities experienced by people in mid and later life now and in the future, and will provide the evidence base for the Combined Authority’s refreshed Age-friendly Strategy, which sets out what needs to happen over the next decade to make GM the best city region to grow old.
An accessible version of The State of Ageing in Greater Manchester will be made available soon. We will also be launching a live data dashboard to be able to monitor key indicators from the Office for National Statistics and local data sources.
Reports we have contributed to directly:
ESPON ACPA investigated the effectiveness of policies and initiatives to develop age-friendly cities and initiatives that support "ageing in place" in eight cities and city-regions. ACPA's results will directly feed into adaptation and development of policies and action plans related to age-friendly cities and social programmes including post-2020 cohesion policy.
Age-friendly Dashboard
The Greater Manchester Age-friendly dashboard (external link) is a comprehensive collection of key facts about Greater Manchester’s older population our experience of later life. The dashboard is intended as a reference for leaders, policymakers, analysts and anyone interested in learning about ageing in Greater Manchester. Data is gathered from a mixture of publicly available official data and locally recorded data sourced from key Greater Manchester organisations.