A teacher in a classroom smiles in front of a group of children who are smiling and have their hands raised

Early Years Workforce Resources

Improving early years outcomes and school readiness levels is a priority in the Greater Manchester (GM) Strategy, the GM Children’s Health and Wellbeing Framework, Population Health plan and the GM Children’s Plan.

To realise this ambition to improve early years outcomes we need to invest in our early years workforce to ensure they have the right skills and competencies to help children achieve their potential. The early years workforce across GM is varied and comprises of practitioners, teachers, children’s centre workers, family support workers, health visitors and social workers. Whilst some of these roles form part of the ‘wider’ early years workforce they play an important role in improving outcomes of young children and their families. Workforce Development has been identified as a key enabler of improving early years outcomes; with a focus on developing a GM Early Years Workforce Academy through the investment and collaborative working offered by the School Readiness programme.  

This space will provide useful resources and tools which have been developed for the early years workforce.