Greater Manchester Good Employment Charter
Greater Manchester has world-leading businesses and sectors, investing, innovating and growing.
They have created a record number of jobs in our city region. Our public services and voluntary and community sector are using devolution and closer partnership to find new ways to better serve the public. Across all sectors, employers are providing good jobs, which are well-paid, secure and with opportunities to get on.
But we can do better. On average, our businesses are less productive than others in the UK, and even further behind London and the rest of the world, while our public services and voluntary and community sectors face social challenges of increasing complexity and scale. Too many of our residents are in low paid and insecure work, unable to fulfil their potential, get a home or provide a secure start for their children.
That's why we’ve developed a Greater Manchester Good Employment Charter Supporters’ Network– to support employers to develop good jobs, deliver opportunities for people to progress, and help employers in the city-region grow and succeed.
The Charter will only deliver this aim if it is developed with employers, employees and others – it will be embedded in public procurement through the city region’s social value framework – which gives additional weighting to bids delivering social value in procurement processes. Businesses receiving investment through the Greater Manchester Combined Authority’s investment funds will also now be required to become Charter supporters.
The three tiers of the Greater Manchester Good Employment Charter
1. Supporters - for those employers who support the aims of the Charter and Greater Manchester Strategy, but are not yet in a position to meet the requirements of accreditation.
2. Membership – requiring employers to demonstrate excellent practice in key characteristics of employment practice, these are:
- Secure work
- Flexible work
- A real living wage
- Workplace engagement & voice
- Excellent recruitment practices & progression
- Excellent people management
- A productive & healthy workplace
3. Advocates - employers who meet high standards in all the key employment characteristics to be Members, and then go out to other employers to encourage them to raise employment standards and join the Charter process.
More information
UK’s first Good Employment Charter Supporters’ Network
Greater Manchester Good Employment Charter (externa website)
Contact Greater Manchester Good Employment Charter (external website, opens in new tab)