About the Social Enterprise Advisory Group
The Social Enterprise Advisory Group (SEAG) was set up in 2020 to work with the Mayor of Greater Manchester, the Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA), and the Greater Manchester Business Board (external website) to deliver the ambition for social enterprise in Greater Manchester.
The Greater Manchester Local Industrial Strategy recognises the vital role social enterprises play in Greater Manchester’s economy – as significant employers, and as providers of many of the products and services people use every day. Greater Manchester aims to create the optimum conditions for social enterprises to thrive, innovate and grow. The SEAG is one of the strategic groups working across Greater Manchester to achieve these conditions.
In 2023, the SEAG refined its focus to principally work on raising awareness of the sector through communications and engagement. Activity focused on procurement is now led by the VCSE Leadership Group (external website), and activity focused on research and intelligence is now led by GMCVO’s Inclusive Economy Group (external website).
The SEAG meets on a quarterly basis and brings together a diverse group of local social enterprise leaders with local civic leaders and GMCA officers.
Social enterprises wanting to share questions, views and experiences with the SEAG are encouraged to get in touch by emailing socialenterprise@greatermanchester-ca.gov.uk.