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Greater Manchester Joint Minerals Development Plan

Under the provisions of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 the ten unitary authorities in Greater Manchester agreed to produce a Joint Minerals Plan for Greater Manchester. The Greater Manchester authorities consider that this arrangement offers the most potential for efficient and effective working on detailed Minerals planning matters.

Preparation of the Joint Minerals Development Plan Document (the ‘Minerals Plan’) began in 2009 and included a number of consultation stages which have informed the approach to and content of the document. The Minerals Plan was submitted to the Secretary of State and underwent an independent examination during 2012, and following this the Planning Inspectorate confirmed that the Minerals Plan, with recommended modifications, was sound and met all necessary legislative requirements.

The Minerals Plan identifies how Greater Manchester will deliver the spatial vision for minerals development to 2028. The Minerals Plan sets out policies to guide future minerals development and identifies Areas of Search and Mineral Safeguarding Areas in order to meet aggregate requirements and to protect minerals resources across Greater Manchester to 2028.

More details are available in the documents below and from the 10 Greater Manchester authorities websites.

View the Greater Manchester Joint Minerals Development Plan maps