Sports field with goal posts and houses in the distance

Statement of Representation Procedure

Places for Everyone Plan Statement of Representation Procedure (Proposed Modifications Consultation, 2023)

This statement relates to the Places for Everyone Joint Development Plan proposed modifications, 2023 (PfE Modifications).


In 2014, the ten Greater Manchester local authorities agreed to prepare a joint Development Plan Document, the Greater Manchester Spatial Framework (GMSF), with the GMCA co-ordinating its production on behalf of the ten districts. Up until December 2020 the joint development plan document was a plan of the ten Greater Manchester local authorities. However, decisions taken by Stockport Council in December 2020 signaled the end of the joint plan of the 10. Following those decisions, the remaining nine GM authorities (Bolton, Bury, Manchester, Oldham, Rochdale, Salford, Tameside, Trafford and Wigan) decided to progress a joint plan of the nine and this became known as “Places for Everyone” (PfE).

Following that decision, the PfE “Publication” stage consultation ran from August 9, 2021, for 8 weeks, ending on October 3, 2021. Over 15,000 representations were duly made, by over 3,800 individuals and organisations during that consultation stage.

All duly made representations, together with the Regulation 19 PfE plan, supporting background documents and a number of reports were submitted to the Secretary of State on February 14, 2022, pursuant to Reg. 22 of the Local Planning Regulations.

Since its submission, appointed Inspectors have been examining the submitted Plan to determine whether it meets the tests of soundness defined in national planning policy and whether it meets all the relevant legislative requirements. The examination had a number of hearing sessions between November 2022 and March 2023, with a final session at the beginning of July 2023.

The inspectors have now identified a number of proposed Main Modifications to the PfE Publication Plan (2021). The Inspectors have now indicated that they are satisfied, at this stage of the examination, that all the proposed Main Modifications to Places for Everyone are necessary to make the Plan sound and/or legally compliant and that they should be published for consultation. Details of the examination can be found on the Examination Website (external webpage).

Documents available for inspection

A Main Modifications Schedule, Composite Plan and Schedule of Policies Map Changes have all been prepared. A Sustainability Appraisal and Habitats Regulations Assessment of the Main Modifications have been carried out. These are all the subject of this consultation and comments are invited on them.

In addition to the Main Modifications and related policies map changes, a schedule of Additional Modifications has been prepared and is subject to consultation alongside the Main Modifications. These Additional Modifications are changes which do not materially affect the policies in the Plan. They do not fall within the scope of the examination and therefore the Inspectors will not be considering comments on them. Instead, the nine PfE authorities will consider comments relating to the additional modifications.

The consultation documentation is published on the GMCA Website on behalf of the nine districts. The consultation documents are also available to view at deposit locations across the nine districts. Please visit the GMCA Website or your local authority website for more information regarding where you are able to view the document(s) within your area.

Period of Submission for Representations

Representations are invited on the PfE modifications’ documentation for a period of eight weeks from Wednesday 11th October until 23:59 on 6th December 2023. Representations made at this stage should only relate to the proposed modifications.

Only those representations relating to the Main Modifications will be considered by the Inspectors. The nine PfE authorities will consider representations made to the Additional Modifications.

How to make representations

Representations can be made by:

Preferably completing the online response form at: (external webpage)

Alternatively, downloading the response form available on the GMCA Website and emailing it to

You can also submit your comments to us by:

What Happens Next

Following the conclusion of the consultation, the representations received will be forwarded to the examination Programme Officer(s) along with a report listing all of the representations; a summary of the main issues raised; and a brief response, on behalf of the nine districts, to those main issues. The Inspectors will then consider all the representations made on the Proposed Main Modifications before finalising the examination report and the schedule of recommended main modifications. Further hearing sessions will not usually be held, unless the Inspectors consider them essential to deal with any substantial issues that may have been raised in the representations, or to ensure fairness. Further consultation may or may not be necessary.

If the Inspectors consider no further consultation is necessary following the modifications’ consultation, the ultimate decision to adopt Places for Everyone will then need to be taken by each of the Full Councils of the nine participating local authorities.