Shaping National Policy
Greater Manchester is playing its part in shaping national policy in relation to housing and you can read these on this page.
Improving the energy performance of privately rented homes
The government is seeking views on proposals around raising energy performance standards for the domestic private rented sector in England and Wales.
Energy performance - government consultation (external website)
Energy performance - Greater Manchester's response
Planning for the Future
The Planning for the future consultation proposes reforms of the planning system to streamline and modernise the planning process, bring a new focus to design and sustainability, improve the system of developer contributions to infrastructure, and ensure more land is available for development where it is needed.
Planning for the Future - government consultation (external website)
Planning for the Future - Greater Manchester's response (PDF, 299KB)
First Homes
The consultation seeks views on First Homes for local people, considering both the design of this policy and options for its implementation. It covers the following areas: what First Homes are and who should be eligible for them, how the scheme should work in practice, how to deliver more of these homes through developer contributions, the requirement for delivering these homes through planning or legislation.
First Homes - government consultation (external website)
First Homes - Greater Manchester's response (PDF, 575KB)
Supporting housing delivery and public service infrastructure
This consultation seeks views on: a proposed new permitted development right for the change of use from Commercial, Business and Service use to residential to create new homes, measures to support public service infrastructure through the planning system, and the approach to simplifying and consolidating existing permitted development rights following changes to the Use Classes Order.
National Planning Policy Framework Consultation 2023
National Planning Policy Framework Consultation 2024
Proposed reforms to the National Planning Policy Framework and other changes to the planning system – September 2024
This consultation sought views on the Government’s proposed approach to revising the National Planning Policy Framework. Views were also sought on a series of wider policy proposals in relation to increasing planning fees, local plan intervention criteria and appropriate thresholds for certain Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects.