Support services

Gender-based violence includes a number of offences, including domestic abuse, sexual assault and rape, female genital mutilation and so-called honour-based abuse.  It is most often perpetrated by men and boys, where women and girls are disproportionately their victims, though men and boys can be victims too. 

If you have been affected by gender-based violence, there are a number of specialist services available across Greater Manchester offering help and support.  

How to report and access support

  • If you, or someone you know, is affected by gender-based violence please call Greater Manchester Victims’ Services on 0800 876 6155 for help and advice or visit (external website). Please remember, you don’t have to report anything to the police if you don’t want to. 

  • You can also contact Victim Support (external website) on their 24/7 Support line – 0808 1689 111 - or via their live chat facility (external website). 

  • If you, or someone you know, has come to harm or is at risk of coming to harm, you can report this to Greater Manchester Police via GMP’s Live chat facility at (external website) or call 101. If you, or someone else is in immediate danger always dial 999. 

  • If you are calling 999 from a mobile phone and you are unable to speak, you can use the Silent Solution (external website) by pressing 55 when prompted. Once you press 55, the operator will then transfer the call to the relevant police force as an emergency. 

Greater Manchester's Domestic Abuse Helpline 

Men’s Advice Line

24-hour National Domestic Violence Freephone Helpline 


St Mary's Sexual Assult Referral Centre (SARC) 24 hour helpline

Survivors Manchester UK

Karma Nirvana 

Karma Nirvana is a UK registered charity that supports victims and survivors of Forced Marriage and Honour Based Abuse. 

The Guardian Project  

A free service covering the whole of Greater Manchester. It provides care and support for women and girls who may be at risk from, or who have been victims of, female genital mutilation. 

National Stalking Helpline 

If you’re an adult - 

If you’re a young person - 


If you’re concerned about your own behaviour towards a loved one, Respect provides a confidential advice and support for perpetrators of domestic abuse looking for help to stop.  

Find more help and advice, including support services in your area at (external website)