GM 10 Tips for Talking in other languages

Translated documents

Some of our documents are translated by a third-party translations service. Currently these documents are provided in a format that can be printed but not read online by screen readers. We are in discussions with our provider to see if we can change to a screen reader friendly format.

Arabic (PDF, 207KB)

Bengali (PDF, 149KB)

Cantonese (PDF, 299KB)

Farsi (PDF, 197KB)

Hebrew (PDF, 79KB)

Mandarin (PDF, 374KB)

Polish (PDF, 223KB)

Portuguese (PDF, 105KB)

Punjabi (PDF, 171KB)

Romanian (PDF, 186KB)

Spanish (PDF, 134KB)

Turkish (PDF, 196KB)

Urdu (PDF, KB)

Yiddish (PDF, 174KB)