Top Tips for Language Development in Year 1
Supporting Language Development in Year 1 Webinars
The pandemic has highlighted language development issues, particularly for our most disadvantaged children after missing out on time in the classroom. This disproportionate impact underscores the need to take extra measures to support recovery.
These practical webinars offered Year 1 teachers, head teachers and school leaders, the opportunity to reflect on how to embed key principles around language learning into the Year 1 curriculum through giving children voice, fostering parental engagement, understanding disadvantage and highlighting the language skills that may need extra attention following school closures. The tips are set out below:
Tip 1: Create an Enabling Environment
Tip 2: Create Opportunities for Language Development
Tip 3: Encourage Parental Involvement
Tip 4: Focus Attention and Listening
Tip 5: Conscious Awareness of Language Demands: Blank Level Questions and Vocabulary
Tip 6: Check Pre-phonic Skills
Overview of the tips to support communication and language in Year 1
This first webinar in the series will give an overview of key strategies to support communication and language for year 1 pupils who may have missed out on vital learning. This was followed by four more sessions below which go into detail on tips 4-6.
Overview of the tips Webinar Recording
Overview of the tips PowerPoint Presentation (PDF)
Questions: Understanding the impact of the different types and their impact on behaviour management (Tip 5)
This webinar focuses specifically on the Blank Language Scheme. You will learn about the different levels of questioning and how these can be applied within the classroom and to the management of behaviour.
Questions Webinar Recording
Questions PowerPoint Presentation (PDF)
Understanding the different stages of listening and attention and how to support children to progress (Tip 4)
This webinar provides an overview of how listening and attention skills develop and the link to language development. You will explore how difficulties with attention and listening might present in the classroom and the implications of this on learning and well-being. You will also explore strategies and resources available to help improve listening and attention skills.
Listening and Attention Webinar Recording
Listening and Attention PowerPoint Presentation (PDF)
Vocabulary and developing an understanding of cross curricular words (Tip 5)
In this webinar you will be exploring vocabulary in depth and learning about the different tiers words can be grouped into. The focus is around tier 2 words that are often words with multiple meanings, used in different contexts and across curriculum areas. Supporting children with deficiencies in tier 2 will strengthen their capacity to make the most of new learning opportunities.
Vocabulary Webinar Recording
Vocabulary PowerPoint Presentation (PDF)
Phonological development and pre-literacy skills (Tip 6)
This webinar highlights the different aspects of phonological awareness, which underpin the pathway to literacy. Mastering these early skills form the foundation for reading and spelling. This session will provide practical ideas to help children to develop and practice early phonological skills.