

Consultation is a vital part of the process in the development of the Young person's Guarantee.

Over the next few months there will be a number of consultation activity completed in order to build the foundation of the Guarantee plan. Consultation will shape a sustainable piece of work to ultimately build a better future for young people across our city-region.

We understand we can only do this by utilising the combined strengths of the city-region’s communities, businesses, schools, colleges and local authorities in a co-ordinated partnership.

So far we have consulted:

Findings so far: Business

  • Businesses working with education providers to ensure young people are prepared for the changed business environment, new ways of working, working from home, etc, and that they understand the skills for the future. 
  • Utilising the Apprenticeship Levy differently to maximise impact.
  • Working with disadvantaged young people differently. Looking at recruiting differently to ensure young people are accessing
    apprenticeships and have supporting parents/carers within this process to ensure young people are getting the support required.
  • Encouraging young people to find out about and explore self-employment.
  • Employers working in partnership together to share ideas/collaborate on different initiatives.
  • Clear messaging to employers so they know about the different ways they can access support i.e. Bridge GM, Apprenticeship Levy.

Findings so far: Young People

  • Young people have shown concerns around apprenticeships, career paths, future employment opportunities, and training and skills. They have asked for increased opportunity, support and guidance for the future work force, and a developed relationship between businesses, schools/colleges and authorities.
  • Education is a concern for young people due to levels of uncertainty. They identified four main issues: gaps in education, inequality in education, transitions and life skills.
  • Young people are increasingly aware of the economic disproportions that many young people and families face locally and nationally. They discussed the need to decrease poverty, and increase support for young people which allows them to access opportunities both in and out of education. This included eliminating barriers to travel, education options, and experiences (both educational and social).
  • Discussion surrounding equalities varied between different equality strands which focused primarily on age, race and disability. Conversation surrounded support for, and changes, which coincide with the recent Black Lives Matter movement.  Young people also commented on disability support and accessibility, and young people being present/represented in major decisions.

Findings so far: Keeping Connected

  • Communication with young people is absolutely key, using messages/media that works for them and
    make sure communication are differentiated for different groups of young people.
  • Travel - making sure young people are confident and feel safe travelling and that active travel is accessible for young people.
  • Youth Social Action is really important. Young people are already doing a lot of this and we need to tap into these. Also create more opportunities for young people to engage in and lead youth social action.


Article Published: 03/08/2020 13:03 PM