Building digital skills and literacy for life, education, work and business

Building digital skills and literacy for life, education, work and business

Greater Manchester will lead the way in empowering its residents and business to access digital skills opportunities and support.

  • The diverse and thriving VCSE (voluntary, community and social enterprise) sector is building the digital skills and capacity of communities through informal and community learning partnerships  
  • Partners from across sectors are collaborating through the Digital Inclusion Action Network and Digital Inclusion Taskforce to collectively address barriers that exclude people from engaging with digital skills support 
  • Adult Education flexibilities enable direct investment in localities to increase engagement with digital skills provision, informal and entry level digital learning and enhancements to the local digital skills offer to include level 2 qualifications 
  • Collaboration with FutureDotNow (external website) to raise understanding of the importance of essential digital skills and upskilling across all sectors, connecting businesses with resources and support to develop lifelong learning, digital skills and leadership of their workforce  
  • GMCA are leveraging social value of public sector digital infrastructure investment to enhance digital skills support for communities and schools 
  • Social prescribing and community-based support and mentoring is helping everyone to gain essential digital skills that are increasingly needed in society