The Commission 

Greater Manchester Independent Prosperity Review: The Commission 

In 2019, the Review Panel was responsible for commissioning and overseeing studies in four areas, providing a thorough and cutting-edge analysis of key economic issues affecting the city-region:

  • Analysis of productivity taking a deep-dive into labour productivity performance across Greater Manchester, including a granular analysis of the ‘long tail’ of low-productivity firms and low pay;
  • Analysis of education and skills transitions, reviewing the role of the entire education and skills system and how individuals pass through key transitions;
  • Exploration of the city region’s innovation ecosystems, national and international supply chains and trade linkages; and sources of global competitiveness, building on the 2016 Science and Innovation Audit; and
  • Work to review of the infrastructure needs of Greater Manchester to raise productivity, including the potential for new approaches to unlock additional investment.

Reviewers' Report

The Reviewers’ report, put together by the review panel, pulls together four strands of analysis, findings from the comprehensive evidence review, devolution progress report, and the call for evidence, and international comparative analysis undertaken in collaboration with the Organisation for European Cooperation and Development (OECD) and European Commission. Underpinning the Reviewers’ Report are baseline reports, summary reports and technical reports.

Reviewers Report 2019 (PDF, 4.6MB)

The launch of the Independent Prosperity Review (2019)

Baseline Reports

Progress With Devolution (PDF)

Update of progress on the implementation of Greater Manchester's devolution deals, highlighting key achievements and barriers.

Evidence Review (PDF)

Baseline report covering progress since the Manchester Independent Economic Review (MIER) and summarising Greater Manchester's existing evidence base across the five foundations of productivity identified in the national Industrial Strategy White Paper (Place, People, Ideas, Business Environment and Infrastructure). 

Summary Reports

Productivity and Pay Research Summary (PDF)

Summary Report bringing together the central themes and wide-ranging findings from the technical reports, detailed below, on productivity and pay and has been developed to inform the reviewers’ recommendations.

Innovation and Global Competitiveness Research Summary (PDF)

Summary Report bringing together the central themes and wide-ranging findings from the technical reports, detailed below, on innovation and global competitiveness and has been developed to inform the reviewers’ recommendations.

Education and Skills Research Summary (PDF)

Summary Report bringing together the central themes and wide-ranging findings from the technical reports, detailed below, on skills and employment and has been developed to inform the reviewers’ recommendations.

Technical Reports - Productivity

Low Pay in Greater Manchester (PDF)

Retail (PDF)

Adult Social Care (PDF)

Audit of Productivity (PDF)

 Technical Reports - Innovation and Global Competitiveness

Ecosystem Approach to Supply Chains (PDF)

Understanding Innovation and Innovation Ecosystems (PDF)

Economic Complexity Analysis (PDF)

A mission-oriented approach to Greater Manchester's clean growth challenge (PDF)

Industry Relatedness Analysis (PDF)

Science and Innovation Audit Report (PDF)

Global Competitiveness and Innovation (PDF)

Technical Reports - Skills and Employment

Transitions in Education and Skills (PDF)

A New Approach to Education, Training and Skills (PDF)

Future of Work and Skills (PDF)

Technical Reports - Infrastructure

Critical Assessment of Appraisal Methodology (PDF)

Greater Manchester Infrastructure Framework (PDF)

Please note these documents may not be accessible to people using screenreaders or other assistive technologies. We aim to make these documents accessible by January 2023.