Warm spaces
The colder months may be challenging for residents across Greater Manchester as we continue to tackle the rising cost of living. See below for advice and support on how to stay warm and well.
Staying warm at home
Cold weather can have a serious impact on health. Older people and those with heart or lung conditions can be particularly at risk.
Advice on staying well this winter can be found on the NHS website: How to stay well in winter - NHS (www.nhs.uk)
Warm spaces
There are currently 306 ‘Warm Spaces’ across Greater Manchester (figure as of February 2023).
Spaces are free to access and you can be assured of finding a safe, warm, inclusive, and friendly environment.
Find your nearest hub here on the Warm Welcome Space website: Find a Warm Welcome Space Today or through your local council.
Winterwise also provides help and support for older people to keep warm, well and safe in their home. Visit the Winterwise page for more information.