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Removing Barriers to Apprenticeships FAQs

We’re a provider, working with different LAs across country. Can a partnership with local authority employer be allowed?

Greater Manchester Local Authorities can be the employer partner in a partnership.

To give bidders a head start will you be sharing any data on underrepresented groups across GM?

There is some data and a reference list in the specification document. If there is something specific you need, please ask and we will try and support getting it. This will then be shared publicly.

We’re an employer provider, looking to partner up with support organisations and possibly other provider. Would this model fit the criteria (employer/provider and support organisation)?

Employer Providers are eligible to apply as both apprenticeship provider and employer. The same commitment to vacancies and evidence of need would be required as any other project proposal.

Funding to cover salary is off the table, what about travel expenses, DBS processes?

If elements are not funded elsewhere and provide part of either delivery or wraparound support costs then they can be funded through this grant.

Can we target more than one under represented group using a single model?

If there is evidence for the proposed underrepresented groups and the barriers they face, this will be considered.

We are a support organisation looking to develop training resource for employers. Is there a way to fund pre-work, and is there opportunity to help build partnerships?

Pre-work can be funded if part of a wider project proposal. We are using #GMRemovingBarriers to support organisations looking for partners.

Are there any preferences on levels of standard?

No, all levels of standard will be considered equally as long as relevant for the target group.

If outputs are just 10 apprenticeship starts – why is there disparity between £25-50k?

There is a range of available grants as will depend on the overall proposal, any match funding available and the scale of additional support required for the apprentices.

Does funding cover support given beyond the time of the funding time?

Funding is to cover the project proposal, therefore may cover support required after the completion of 10 sustained apprenticeship starts.

Will the slides be shared?

Download event presentation

Can the employer be the recipient of any of the funding?

Employers can receive funding through this grant programme

Do you have any idea on potential revised timescale due to current situation?

At this stage we are sticking to the existing commissioning timetable, we will communicate as widely as possible if this changes. We recognise that project starts may be delayed but will discuss this with individual projects after evaluation.

Do you have to have an employer and organisation?

Partnerships need to include both an employing organisation and apprenticeship provider (or an apprenticeship employer provider that can fulfil both roles).

Could it be more than one support organisation within the partnership?

Yes, there is no maximum size for a partnership.

Is it possible for apprenticeship training providers themselves to apply?

Apprenticeship Providers can apply within the criteria set out in the call for proposals.