Who we are
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The Mayor
The Chief Executive
GMCA Members
What We Do
Accounts, Transparency and Governance
Greater Manchester is one of the country's most successful city-regions. Home to more than 2.8 million people and with an economy bigger than that of Wales or Northern Ireland. Our vision is to make Greater Manchester one of the best places in the world to grow up, get on and grow old. We're getting there through a combination of economic growth, and the reform of public services.
The Greater Manchester Combined Authority(GMCA) is made up of the ten Greater Manchester councils and Mayor, who work with other local services, businesses, communities and other partners to improve the city-region.
The ten councils (Bolton, Bury, Manchester, Oldham, Rochdale, Salford, Stockport, Tameside, Trafford and Wigan) have worked together voluntarily for many years on issues that affect everyone in the region, like transport, regeneration, and attracting investment.
GMCA Constitution (external website)
What we do
The GMCA gives local people more control over issues that affect their area. It means the region speaks with one voice and can make a strong case for resources and investment. It helps the entire north of England achieve its full potential.
Running the GMCA
The GMCA is run jointly by the leaders of the ten councils and the Mayor of Greater Manchester, Andy Burnham. The Chief Executive of the GMCA is Caroline Simpson.
A variety of boards, panels and committees look specifically at areas like transport, health and social care, planning and housing.
Meeting papers and minutes - (external website)
Watch live meetings - Public-i (external website)
Accounts, transparency and governance
We can't reach our ambitious vision for a prosperous, self-reliant Greater Manchester on our own. So we have teamed up with various public, private and voluntary partner organisations to help.
We aim to provide high-quality services for all members of the public. We accept that things can sometimes go wrong and we need to know when you are not happy with our service.
Greater Manchester Strategy
We want Greater Manchester to be a place where everyone can live a good life, growing up, getting on and growing old in a greener, fairer more prosperous city region. Our strategy for Greater Manchester sets out a route, over the next decade, to deliver this vision for the benefit of our people, our places and our planet.
GMCA Corporate Plan
Our corporate plan tells you more about what we do, how we do it, and our intentions on delivery for the coming years.
GMCA Corporate Plan 2022-25 - Full Version (PDF, 6.7 MB)
GMCA Corporate Plan 2022-25 - Summary (PDF, 16.8 MB)
Local Government Association (LGA) Corporate Peer Challenge
In December 2022, GMCA was the first combined authority to undertake the LGA’s Corporate Peer Challenge. The independent review team held more than 50 meetings and interviewed 155 people over three days – from both GMCA and the wider Greater Manchester system including senior representatives from local councils, public sector, business and voluntary, community and social enterprise partners. They also considered evidence presented in a GMCA self-assessment. A full report with recommendations and GMCA action plan have been produced.
GMCA LGA Corporate Peer Challenge Feedback Report (PDF, 305 KB)
GMCA Corporate Peer Challenge Action Plan (PDF, 200 KB)
Members of the LGA Corporate Peer Challenge team returned to GMCA in November 2023 to review progress on the recommendations. A follow-up report was issued shortly after.
GMCA LGA Corporate Peer Challenge – Progress Review (PDF, 210KB)