Young Person's Guarantee

June 2020 saw Diane Modahl appointed as Chair of the new Youth Task Force – which will help to develop a Young Person’s Guarantee in Greater Manchester.

The Guarantee aims to protect and progress young people’s futures, particularly around securing future prosperity.

The Guarantee focuses on four key areas:

  • Keeping connected - Increased challenges caused because of social and digital exclusion, particularly amongst young people who are most disconnected and disadvantaged.

  • Staying well - greater risk of poorer mental health and well-being caused by social isolation, reductions in support and increased anxiety about the future.

  • Preparing for transition back into work and/or education - Increased chances of young people experiencing longer-term labour market inequalities and challenges because of the consequences of the pandemic.

  • Reducing economic inequalities - greater risk of poorer transitions from school and college, particularly for those young people in Years 11 and 13, and for those seeking employment.

Since June 2020, GMCA have been working with organisations across Greater Manchester who have joined together to commit support for young people across the city-region following the devastating impacts of Covid-19, with pledges including funded work placements, free data packages and travel support.

The development of the GMYPG

The Guarantee has been developed over the course of 2020. Take a look at the journey of the development:

In December 2020, a report was presented to the Leaders of Greater Manchester including the recommendations for the next phase of the Guarantee. 

Changing the future together: The Young Person’s Guarantee Recommendations from the Task Force and Youth Advisory Group (pdf)

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is the Young Person’s Guarantee for?

The scope of the Guarantee, and remit of the Task Force, will be to help young people in Greater Manchester from age 11 up to 30-years-old, and has been co-designed by the young people of Greater Manchester.

Who is involved in the Young Person’s Guarantee?

The Task Force is the driving force behind the Guarantee and will shape, challenge and deliver on existing and new opportunities for young people.

What will the Young Person’s Guarantee do?

The Guarantee will reflect young people’s concerns about the future and will offer an outline of support and opportunities available. This will build on what is already available now as well as identify and respond to gaps. This will be particularly true of more vulnerable and marginalised young people.

There will be opportunities for a raft of individuals and organisations to respond to the challenge and the recovery process and determine how they can contribute to the Guarantee and be part of the solution. We don’t want any young person to be left behind and want the Guarantee to offer something for everyone. There is a role to be played by business, education and training providers, health services, youth services and Local Authorities to name but a few.  

Article Published: 03/08/2020 12:53 PM