Get Online Greater Manchester: Digital Skills Map
Today, we live in a world where everything is online, many of the services we use in daily life are now online - transport, education, health services and banking, parking payments. However, many people across Greater Manchester face many barriers when it comes to getting online. Up to 806,500 Greater Manchester residents face some form of digital exclusion, meaning they do not have a device, the connectivity or digital skills to access online services.
Get Online Greater Manchester’s Digital Skills Map - your local directory of skills activities and support to get online
Across Greater Manchester there is a range of support available, most of which is free or at a low cost, to help all of our residents to access the benefits the internet has to offer. This interactive map is intended for residents, families, communities and organisations to easily find local support and activities near them.
Type of support marked on the map
Greater Manchester Databanks (marked in green)
These are locations that provide free SIMS cards, with up to 12 months of mobile data, talk minutes and texts, to residents on low incomes who need it.
Network of centres to get online (marked in blue)
These are a network of community partners who are helping to tackle digital and social exclusion by providing free or low-cost access to computers and the internet.
Digital skills support sessions (marked in pink)
These are local places offering friendly drop-in sessions or group sessions to develop basic digital skills for residents of all ages. Most of these skills sessions are for beginners who would like to become more confident online or get help to do a task.
How do I use the map?
Simply zoom into your local area to view support that is available nearby. If the pin has a number on it, click for further details. The number means the location can support residents in several ways, to get online. Clicking on the pin will bring up a tab that includes an address, contact number, email, website and further information.
We’re continuing to work with the centres includes in this map to make regular updates. However some opening times and times of digital skills classes may change without notice. Therefore, we advise that you contact your preferred location directly in advance to check details are correct, before your visit.
To use the map in full screen, please open via this link Get Online Greater Manchester: Digital Skills Map (external website).
Please note that most the digital skills sessions are free although a few classes have small charges. These are marked by a Great British Pound (GBP) sign.
A plain text version of the Get Online Greater Manchester: Digital Skills Map is available below.
View the Get Online Greater Manchester: Digital Skills Map (docx 581KB)
If you are an organisation or charity who would like your digital skills activities or support to be added to the map, or you would like to add or edit any information from an existing entry, please email us at gmcadigital@greatermanchester-ca.gov.uk with the subject heading ‘Digital Inclusion Skills Map’ with your website, contact number, email address and any further information.