Get Online Greater Manchester: Support for disabled people
Fixing the digital divide is a key priority for Greater Manchester, with an ambition for Greater Manchester to become one of the first city-regions in the world to equip all under-25s, over-75s and disabled people with the skills, connectivity, and technology to get online. With more services moving online and a cost-of-living crisis, we must do all we can to ensure everyone, whatever their age, location or situation can benefit from the opportunities digital bring.
- The Greater Manchester Disabled People Survey 2022 found that over 2 out of 10 residents said a lack of money stopped them from using digital services.
- Good Things Foundation report 32% of people with an impairment do not have basic digital skills.
With the cost-of-living crisis and low incomes, some people, even if they have the skills, are unable to access the many benefits digital access brings - Get Online Greater Manchester: support for disabled people guide is here to help address these challenges. Produced by Greater Manchester Combined Authority, and partners, the guide brings together digital support for people with disabilities into one place, including assistive technology, connectivity and digital skills training.
Download PDF Get Online Greater Manchester: A guide to digital support offers for disabled people (Adobe PDF, 789MB)
Download plain text Get Online Greater Manchester: A guide to digital support offer for disabled people - plain text (Microsoft Word, 107KB)
Download easy read Get Online Greater Manchester: A guide to digital support offer for disabled people - easy read (Adobe PDF, 826KB)
Share and support
A flyer has been produced to help promote the resources and support availabe to disabled people to help them with access to technology, getting online and building thier digital skills.
We are currently looking into additional, accessible formats for this resource. If you have any feedback in relation to this, or have used the existing resources and have feedback to share please do so at gmcadigital@greatermanchester-ca.gov.uk.