Sports field with goal posts and houses in the distanceee
Engagement Event

How your voice made an impact in 2021 

Throughout 2021 we’ve all had to continue adjusting the way we work. Here at Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) we’ve continued to adapt the way we engage with the public, our communities and partners across the city-region throughout the coronavirus pandemic. 

We’re really pleased that we’ve been able to resume some in-person events following a year of Covid measures. The Green Summit event in October saw 850 delegates attend The Lowry in Salford to hear from the mayor on plans to tackle climate change in Greater Manchester. We were also able to hold two Mayor’s Question Time events in Bury and Oldham, which re-started this year after an 18-month long break! 

We want to say a big thank you to everyone who shared their views with us in order to do so - whether that be through various events, focus groups, roundtable exercises, or via our online survey hub  

Throughout the year we’ve engaged with more than 70,000 people in total! Here’s a snapshot of just some of things your views have impacted over the year. 

You’ve helped to develop our response to Covid-19  

Throughout the year we’ve supported many communities, groups, partners, and organisations in gathering insight into the effects of the pandemic.  

In particular, our monthly resident surveys have provided timely and in depth insight into the issues and impacts of coronavirus across Greater Manchester.  

This has helped us, and our partners, ensure our decisions, as well as our communications and engagement activities, are insight-led, appropriately delivered, targeted and supportive of the behaviour change needed to tackle Covid-19 and its extensive and unequal impacts. 

You can view the full results from these surveys

Our Equality Panels are tackling inequality across Greater Manchester 

The Equality Panels have made some excellent achievements this year including their work with the Independent Inequality Commission to present a report to the Combined Authority in March. Its recommendations have informed the pandemic response and recovery, as well as informing the next Greater Manchester Strategy, the comprehensive plan for the future of our city-region which will have a launch event next year. 

This year the Faith and Belief Advisory Panel was established, becoming one of seven Equality panels working to tackle inequality in Greater Manchester. The Race Equality Panel and Women and Girls’ Equality Panels were both established in late 2020 so have recently celebrated their one-year anniversaries!  

Currently, the Youth Combined Authority are refreshing their membership – and recruitment will be underway next year. The Older Peoples’ Panel will also be beginning its recruitment next year so, please keep your eyes peeled for more information on this soon!  

You’ve helped to develop Greater Manchester’s Nature Recovery Plan. 

In February 2021, we asked you for your views on a range of environmental issues to help shape Greater Manchester’s first Local Nature Recovery Plan. 

This Nature Recovery Plan will be a blueprint for the future of Greater Manchester’s natural environment and local wildlife. It will set out what needs to be done to restore declining species, habitats and give nature the best chance to recover. 

The GMCA received 1087 responses to this consultation. Where a significant majority of responses felt that Greater Manchester was facing a range of challenges with respect to nature, including air quality, climate change, species decline and encroachment of new developments. 

The results of the survey along with ongoing engagement work with stakeholders, was used to formulate the final Greater Manchester Nature Recovery Plan Pilot.  

You’ve helped to develop the Places for Everyone plan  

In August 2021, the final consultation of Places for Everyone plan was launched. 

Places for Everyone is a long-term plan of nine Greater Manchester districts (Bolton, Bury, Manchester, Oldham, Rochdale, Salford, Tameside, Trafford and Wigan) for jobs, new homes, and sustainable growth. 

The consultation  went live and feedback was received from residents, and other stakeholders to inform how the nine boroughs should develop up until 2037. 

The responses you gave will be submitted to the Secretary of State for consideration by the Planning Inspector(s) as part of the Examination in Public. 

You’ve helped to develop the Gender-Based Violence Strategy 

The Gender-Based Violence Strategy is a long-term plan to improve the city-region’s response to gender-based violence and identify methods to prevent it from happening in the first place.  

It has been shaped following consultation with individuals, professionals, community groups and charities including those that support victims and survivors; the Greater Manchester Women and Girls Equality Panel; Disability Panel; Older People’s Network; and a sub-group of the Race Equality Panel. 

The strategy was published on the September 24, 2021.

There will be further opportunities to get involved in implementing this strategy next year, including an education campaign aimed at men and boys. 

Having your say in 2022 

Next year will see no shortage of opportunities to let us know your views on our plans, strategies, and proposals, starting in January when we will be seeking your views on how much households pay in council tax for the police.  

We also look forward to seeing you at some of our events including the Mayor’s Question Time with Andy Burnham, hosted monthly in one of the ten boroughs -  in January we will be  in Wigan! Follow us on Twitter: @MayorofGM and Facebook: Mayor of Greater Manchester for further updates! 

You can find all our online surveys on, which also includes a “We Asked, You Said, We Did” summary, and we publish all responses that respondents given permission for, thus ensuring transparency of our decision making.   

For more information about having your say in the work of the GMCA, GMFRS and Mayor’s Office, please email   

Article Published: 16/12/2021 18:38 PM