Sports field with goal posts and houses in the distance



The Baird Inquiry

An independent report into the experience of people who are arrested and taken into custody by Greater Manchester Police with a focus on women and girls.

The Baird Inquiry

Published: 18.7.2024

Type: pdf, 1,132 KB 

Police, Crime and Criminal Justice Structure 

Structure for Police, Crime and Criminal Justice.

Police, Crime and Criminal Justice Structure (PDF) - being updated



Justice Devolution - Memorandum of Understanding

Memorandum of Understanding between central government and GMCA on justice devolution.

Memorandum of Understanding

Published: 18.7.2016

Type: pdf, 248 KB

Boxing Day Flood report 2015

Boxing Day Flood Report 2015

Boxing Day Flood report 2015

Published: 9.9.2016

Type: pdf, 10.7 MB

Police and Crime - Finance and Accounts

Documents relating to the finance and accounts management for policing and crime.

Audit of Accounts - Notice of Public Rights

Published: 21.7.2017

Type: pdf, 41.9 KB

PCC for Greater Manchester Audited Statement of Accounts 2016 17

Published: 29.9.2017

Type: pdf, 5.2 MB

Council Tax (Policing Precept)

Published: 20.2.2018

Type: pdf, 341 KB

Greater Manchester Police Fund Revenue Budget and Capital Programme 2018/19

Published: 12.4.2018

Type: docx, 85.2KB

Independent Auditor's report on the Financial Statements for Police and Crime in Greater Manchester

Published: 7.6.2018

Type: pdf, 157 KB

Letter regarding closure of Police and Crime Accounts audit

Published: 7.6.2018

Type: pdf, 214 KB

Greater Manchester Police Fund Reserve Strategy 2018/19-2020/21

Published: 3.7.2018

Type: docx, 70.3KB

GMFRS – Finance and Accounts

Documents relating to finance and accounts management of Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service

GMFRS Audited Statement of Accounts 2016-17

Published: 29.9.2017

Type: pdf 4.3 MB

GMFRS Annual Governance Statement 2016-17

Published: 29.9.2017

Type: pdf, 1,203 KB

GMFRA Audit Report 2016-17

Published: 29.9.2017

Type: pdf, 207 KB

Notice of Completion of Audit 2016-17

Published: 29.9.2017

Type: docx, 12.1KB

HMICFRS Police Inspection reports

Greater Manchester's responses to Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire and Rescue Services (HMICFRS) inspection reports

Living In Fear – The Police and CPS Response to Harassment and Stalking

Published: 5.9.2017

Type: pdf, 893 KB

Greater Manchester's Response to HMICFRS Stalking and Harassment Inspection

Published: 5.9.2017

Type: pdf, 90.0 KB

GM Deputy Mayor Response on Disclosure Inspection - September 2017

Published: 28.9.2017

Type: pdf, 107 KB

HMIC Report: 'Making It Fair: A Joint Inspection of the Disclosure of Unused Material in Volume Crown Court Cases' July 2017.

Published: 28.9.2017

Type: pdf, 2.2 MB

Deputy Mayor's Response to HMICFRS Modern Slavery Inspection

Published: 20.12.2017

Type: pdf, 171 KB

HMICFRS Report - Policing Response to Modern Slavery

Published: 20.12.2017

Type: pdf, 474 KB

Deputy Mayor's Response to HMICFRS Police Efficiency Inspection

Published: 22.12.2017

Type: pdf, 122 KB

HMICFRS Report - Police Efficiency Inspection

Published: 22.12.2017

Type: pdf, 572 KB

Deputy Mayor's Response to HMICFRS Domestic Abuse Inspection

Published: 9.1.2018

Type: pdf, 94.0 KB

HMICFRS Report - Policing Response to Domestic Abuse

Published: 9.1.2018

Type: pdf, 840 KB

Deputy Mayor's Response to HMICFRS Police Legitimacy Inspection

Published: 31.1.2018

Type: pdf, 111 KB

HMICFRS Report - Police Legitimacy Inspection

Published: 31.1.2018

Type: pdf, 1070 KB

Deputy Mayor's Response to HMICFRS Inspection to Police Effectiveness 2017

Published: 18.5.2018

Type: pdf, 162 KB

PEEL: Police Effectiveness report 2017

Published: 18.5.2018

Type: pdf, 962 KB

HMICFRS Report - Crime Data Integrity report

Published: 6.9.2018

Type: pdf, 138 KB

Understanding the Difference - The Initial Police Response to Hate Crime

Published: 6.9.2018

Type: pdf, 1082 KB

Deputy Mayor's Response To HMICFRS Hate Crime report

Published: 6.9.2018
Type: pdf, 482 KB

Policing and Mental Health: Picking Up The Pieces (HMICFRS report)

Published: November 2018

Type: web link

Deputy Mayor's Response to HMICFRS Mental Health report

Published: 22.01.2019

Type: pdf, 154 KB

Police Response to Domestic Abuse Update report

Published: 30.04.2019

Type: pdf, 977 KB

Deputy Mayor's Response to HMICFRS Inspection Updates report: The Police Response to Domestic Abuse

Published: 30.04.2019

Type: pdf, 132 KB

The Police and CPS response to crimes against older people

Published: July 2019

Type: pdf, 1,397 KB

GM Deputy Mayor response to HMICFRS Inspection crimes against older people

Published: 09.09.2019

Type: pdf, 457 KB

Fraud Time to Choose an inspection of the police response to fraud

Published: April 2019

Type: pdf, 1,049 KB

GM Deputy Mayor response to HMICFRS Fraud Inspection

Published: 24.05.2019

Type: pdf, 379 KB

TACT custody suite in England and Wales 2019 report

Published: February 2019

Type: pdf, 333 KB

GM Deputy Mayor response to HMICFRS Inspection on TACT Custody Suites September 2019

Published: 24.09.2019

Type: pdf, 191 KB

Police effectiveness, efficiency and legitimacy 2018/19 inspection

Published: May 2019

Type: pdf, 1,303 KB

GM Deputy Mayor response to HMICFRS PEEL Inspection

Published: 25.06.2019

Type: pdf, 292 KB

Cyber: Keep the light on - An inspection of the police response to cyber-dependent crime

Published: October 2019

Type: web link 

GM Deputy Mayor response to HMICFRS leading lights Inspection

Published: 01.11.2019

Type: pdf, 415 KB

Shining a light on betrayal: Abuse of position for a sexual purpose

Published: September 2019

Type: web link

GM Deputy Mayor response to HMICFRS shining a light on betrayal Inspection

Published: 28.11.19

Type: pdf, 418 KB

Cyber: Keep the light on - An inspection of the police response to cyber-dependent crime

Published: October 2019

Type: web link

GM Deputy Mayor Response To HMICFRS Cyber Dependent Crime Inspection

Published 18.12.19

Type: pdf, 341 KB

Greater Manchester Police Integrated Operational Policing System inspection

Published 3.03.20

Type: web link

GM Deputy Mayor Response To GM Police Operational Policing System Inspection

Published 3.03.20

Type: web link

Evidence led domestic abuse prosecutions Inspection

Published January 2020

Type: web link

GM Deputy Mayor response to HMICFRS Evidence Led DA prosecutions Inspection

Published 19.03.20

Type: pdf, 672 KB

The multi-agency response to child sexual abuse in the family environment

Published February 2020

Type: web link

GM Deputy Mayor response to the multi-agency response to child sexual abuse in the family environment

Published 09.04.20

Type: pdf, 220 KB

A joint thematic inspection of Integrated Offender Management

Published 28.02.20

Type: web link

GM Deputy response to the joint thematic inspection of Integrated Offender Management

Published 23.04.20

Type: pdf, 325 KB

National Child Protection Inspections: 2019 thematic report

Published 27.02.20

Type: web link

GM Deputy response to the National Child Protection Inspection

Published 23.04.20

Type: pdf, 431 KB

Greater Manchester Police Integrated Operational Policing System inspection

Published: 03.03.20

Type: web link

GM Deputy response to Greater Manchester Police Integrated Operational Policing System Inspection

Published 28.04.20

Type: pdf, 413 KB

Counter-terrorism policing - An inspection of the police's contribution to the government's Prevent programme

Published: 09.03.20

Type: web link

GM Deputy response Counter-terrorism policing - An inspection of the police's contribution to the government's Prevent programme

Published 04.05.20

Type: pdf, 494 KB

The first response is: A call for help – Police contact management through call handling and control rooms (opens in a new tab)

Published 09.07.20

Type: web link

GM Deputy response to The first response is: A call for help – Police contact management through call handling and control rooms

Published 03.09.20

Type: pdf, 426 KB

Roads Policing – Not optional – An inspection of roads policing in England and Wales (opens in new tab)

Published 15.07.20

Type: web link

GM Deputy response to Roads Policing: Not optional - An inspection of roads policing in England and Wales

Published 07.09.20

Type: pdf, 466 KB

PEEL spotlight report: The Hard Yards – Police to police collaboration (opens in a new tab)

Published 21.07.20

Type: web link

GM Deputy Mayor response to HMICFRS Hard Yards report (PDF)

Published 09.09.20

Type: pdf, 633 KB

GM Deputy Mayor response to HMICFRS Precharge Bail and RUI Inspection (pdf)

Published 01.02.21

Type: pdf, 167 KB

GM Deputy Mayor response to HMICFRS Inspection on the service provided to victims of crime (pdf) 

Published 03.02.21

Type: pdf, 219 KB

GM Deputy Mayor response to Joint Inspection - Impact of the pandemic on the criminal justice system (pdf)

Published 11.03.21

Type: pdf, 159 KB

GM Deputy Mayor response to the HMICFRS ROCU inspection (pdf)

Published 31.03.21

Type: pdf, 153 KB

GM Deputy Mayor response to the HMICFRS disproportionate use of powers inspection (pdf)

Published 22.04.21

Type: pdf, 180 KB

GM Deputy Mayor response to the HMICFRS Policing of Protests inspection (pdf)

Published 05.05.21

Type: pdf, 171 KB

GM Deputy Mayor response to the HMICFRS Covid inspection (PDF, 126KB)

Published 15.06.21

GM Deputy Mayor response to the HMICFRS report - Custody services in a COVID-19 (PDF, 108KB)

Published 15.06.21

GM Mayor response to the HMICFRS review of Policing Domestic Abuse during the pandemic (PDF, 2MB)

Published 19.08.21

Deputy GM Mayor response to HMICFRS Interim report into how effectively the police engage with women and girls (PDF, 1.1MB)

Published 31.08.2021

GM Deputy Mayor response to Joint Inspection on Neurodiversity in the Criminal Justice System (PDF, 100KB)

Published 06.09.2021

GM Deputy Mayor response to HMICFRS Inspection on the Police and CPS response to rape (PDF, 220KB)

Published 08.09.2021

GM Deputy Mayor response to the HMICFRS Annual Assessment of Policing Report 2021 (PDF, 165KB)

Published 14.09.2021

GM Deputy Mayor response to the HMICFRS Inspection on how law enforcement agencies use sensitive intelligence (PDF, 119KB)

Published 22.09.2021

GM Deputy Mayor response to the HMICFRS Review of Fraud (PDF, 162KB)

Published 29.09.2021

GM Deputy Mayor response to the HMICFRS review of the Police response to violence against women and girls (PDF, 124KB)

Published 11.11.2021

GM Deputy Mayor response to the HMICFRS PEEL Cause of Concern (PDF, 156KB)

Published 24.11.2021

GM Deputy Mayor response to the HMICFRS report on the Criminal Justice journey for individuals with mental health needs and disorders (PDF, 181KB)

Published 11.01.2022

GM Deputy Mayor response to HMICFRS Inspection on the Police and CPS response to rape - Phase two (PDF, 195KB)

Published 22.04.2022

GM Deputy Mayor response to HMICFRS PEEL Inspection (PDF, 120KB)

Published 28.04.2022

GM Deputy Mayor response to HMICFRS Annual Assessment of Policing report (PDF, 160KB)

Published 05.05.2022

GM Deputy Mayor response to the Joint Inspection of MAPPA Arrangements (PDF, 224KB)

Published 08.09.2022

GM Deputy Mayor response to the HMICFRS Serious Acquisitive Crime Inspection (PDF, 220KB)

Published 06.10.2022

GM Deputy Mayor response to the HMICFRS An inspection of vetting, misconduct and misogyny in the police service (PDF, 682KB)

Published 28.12.2022

GM Deputy Mayor response to the HMICFRS review of the effectiveness of vetting arrangements in Greater Manchester Police (PDF, 661KB)

Published 06.01.2023

GM Deputy Mayor response to the HMICFRS Digital Forensics Inspection (PDF, 689KB)

Published 25.01.2023

GM Deputy Mayor response to the HMICFRS Inspection of Police Custody (PDF, 691KB).

Published 03.04.2023

GM Deputy Mayor response to the HMICFRS Inspection of Serious Youth Violence (PDF, 684KB).

Published 03.05.2023

GM Deputy Mayor response to the HMICFRS Inspection values and culture in fire and rescue services (PDF, 125KB).

Published 24.05.2023

GM Deputy Mayor response to the HMICFRS State of Policing report (PDF, 703KB).

Published 04.08.2023

GM Deputy Mayor response to the HMICFRS Spotlight report on police performance (PDF, 672KB).

Published 31.08.2023

GM Deputy Mayor response to the HMICFRS report on the effective deployment of firearms (PDF, 698KB).

Published 05.09.2023

GM Deputy Mayor response to the joint thematic inspection of the management of terrorist offenders (PDF, 652KB).

Published 14.09.2023

GM Deputy Mayor response to the HMICFRS Homicide Prevention inspection (PDF, 688KB).

Published 06.10.2023

GM Deputy Mayor response to the HMICFRS Race and policing inspection report (PDF, 705KB).

Published 20.10.2023

GM Deputy Mayor response to the HMICFRS inspection on Leadership and governance arrangements for race-related matters (PDF, 693KB).

Published 20.10.2023

GM Deputy Mayor response to the HMICFRS Serious Organised Crime inspection (PDF, 680KB).

Published 21.12.2023

GM Deputy Mayor response to the Joint Targeted Area Inspection Serious Organised Crime Inspection in Manchester - Serious Youth Violence (PDF, 655KB).

Published 18.01.2024

GM Deputy Mayor response to the HMICFRS GMP PEEL inspection (PDF, 151KB).

Published 26.01.2024

GM Deputy Mayor response to the HMICFRS report on group based CSE (PDF, 692KB).

Published 02.02.2024

GM Deputy Mayor response to the joint inspection on meeting the needs of victims (PDF, 684KB).

Published 13.02.2024

GM Deputy Mayor response to the joint inspection on recruitment and retention (PDF 168KB).

Published 29.04.2024

GM Deputy Mayor response to the HMICFRS National Crime Agency inspection on Vetting and anti-corruption (PDF 680KB).

Published 25.06.2024


HMICFRS - Super Complaints

Greater Manchester's responses to Super Complaints managed by Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire and Rescue Services (HMICFRS)

GM Deputy Mayor response the HMICFRS Safe to share? Report on Liberty and Southall Black Sisters’ super-complaint on policing and immigration status. (PDF, 192KB)

Published 14.06.21

Submission to Building Regulations and Fire Safety Review

Greater Manchester's evidence submission to the government's independent review of building regulations and fire safety.

GMFRS - Building Regulations Review - Evidence Submission

Published: 7.12.2017

Type: pdf

Police and Crime Plan

Police and Crime Plan for Greater Manchester

Draft Police and Crime Plan

Published: 14.12.2017

Type: docx

Police and Crime Plan -  'Standing Together'

Published: 21.3.2018

Type: pdf

Standing Together Summary document 

Published: 15.10.2018

Type: pdf

Police and Crime - complaints

Forms and policies relating to police and crime complaints

Police and Crime Complaints - Policies And Forms

Published: 19.1.2018

Type: pdf

Magistrate Recruitment poster

Family Magistrate Recruitment Poster

Published: 12.4.2018

Type: pdf

The Kerslake Report

An independent review into the preparedness for, and emergency response to, the Manchester Arena attack on 22nd May 2017.

The Kerslake Report

Published: 27.3.2018

Type: pdf

Greater Manchester Police and Crime Panel Independent Members Recruitment pack

The recruitment pack for prospective independent members of the Greater Manchester Police and Crime Panel.

Greater Manchester Police and Crime Panel Independent Members Recruitment Pack 2018

Published: 13.8.2018

Type: pdf