The IGNITION Project
IGNITION was a ground-breaking project that aimed to develop innovative financing solutions for investment in Greater Manchester’s natural environment, all to help increase the city region’s resilience against the increasingly extreme impacts of climate change.
Working with nature, solutions such as rain gardens, street trees, green roofs and walls and development of green spaces can help to tackle socio-environmental challenges including an increase in flooding events, water security, air quality, biodiversity and human health and wellbeing.
This project, backed by €4.5 million from the EU’s Urban Innovation Actions (UIA) initiative (opens in a new window), brought together 12 partners from local government, universities, NGOs and business.
Tools and resources
The IGNITION project developed a wide range of resources, evidence and tools to help businesses, local authorities, land owners, communities and others better understand and implement nature-based solutions. These files may not be suitable for users of assistive technologies. To request an accessible format please send an email to: pmo.ignition@manchesterfire.gov.uk
Green walls evidence database (XLSX)
Green roofs evidence database (XLSX)
Green spaces evidence database (XLSX)
Street trees evidence database (XLSX)
Guide, methodology, report and webinar
User Guide - IGNITION Nature-Based Solutions Evidence Base (PDF)
IGNITION Nature-based Solutions Evidence Base Headline Findings Report July 2020 (PDF)
Evidence Review Methodology - IGNITION Nature-Based Solutions Evidence Base (PDF)
IGNITION Interim Report
IGNITION Interim Report - April 2021 (PDF)
IGNITION Interim Report - April 2021 (Accessible HTML web page)
IGNITION project: Nature-based solutions factsheets
The IGNITION Project: Nature-Based Solutions (NBS)
The IGNITION Project: Climate Change and the Need for Nature-Based Solutions
The IGNITION Project: A Baseline for Nature-Based Solutions
The IGNITION Project: Building a Business Case for NBS
The IGNITION Project: SuDS-Enabled Trees
The IGNITION Project: Urban Green Spaces and Business
The IGNITION Project: Nature-Based Solutions for Health
Nature-based solutions: Future Funding Streams
Investigating Innovative Business Cases for Nature-Based Solutions (PDF - opens in a new tab)
Building a Business Case for Nature-Based Solutions (PDF - opens in a new tab)
IGNITION project case studies
Financing Green Roofs - Stockport Interchange Case Study
Financing Parks - Salford Heat Pump Case Study
Financing Sustainable Draining Systems - Dales Brow Case Study